About Us

To be the leading, best and most trusted logistics company
1. Serve honestly, education and transparency for its users
2. Punctuality and quality of service are always prioritized
3. Providing the best solutions that are affordable, effective, and efficient for services and transportation
About Us
ASL Logistics Transportation Company
Artalapan Strategi Logistik is built by people who are trusted and have high dedication to the progress of the company. We guarantee that the ASL team will provide the best service for you, because our team is already experts in the field of transportation logistics and supporting documents.
Logistics is a series of activities in the process of taking and placing objects or goods according to the planned place and time. Logistics itself consists of two activities, namely movement activities (move) which is dynamic and desire to store (store) which is static.
It cannot be denied that the logistics sector plays a fairly important role in every existing sustainability. The logistics sector is a vital heart for the sustainability of activities in the midst of society itself. Not only that, but the business business sectors also certainly need the logistics sector in their fulfillment.
The logistics sector plays an important role in every activity to fulfill existing basic needs. This sector is like a chain that cannot be separated in any existing activity.
Call it several sectors such as the trade sector, the economic sector, the industrial sector, to the fulfillment of basic needs itself, of course, cannot be separated from the logistical activities in the sustainability of these sectors.
The logistics sector can drive various routes in its sustainability activities. Several existing routes such as in land flow routes, sea currents, air currents are some examples of current routes that can be empowered by the logistics sector to fulfill basic needs for the community or for existing business sectors.
By empowering the logistics route flows themselves, the process of fulfilling various basic needs needed by the community can be realized quickly and also easily for the flow of distribution.
Our values
Our Values
On Time
Customer Oriented Service
Logistics is a series of management processes that include planning, implementation to maintenance or supervision of a process of moving certain goods or equipment from a starting point to a specific destination.
When talking about logistics or transportation in a company, it is very closely related to planning and controlling the flow of goods. When viewed, the main goal of logistics in a company is to arrange for the goods to arrive at their destination in the right condition, quantity and time. This is where a good system and role for the logistics team is needed to optimize performance and minimize operating costs.

Board of Commisioner